Europeans in the 17th and 18th Centuries dressed little tots, both
boys and girls in the same styles of
ankle-length dresses, often referred to as petticoats. Some boys might wear dresses or dress-like
smocks to five or seven
years until they were "breeched." It is
amazing to find when studying the contemporary portraits of children
that one cannot tell boy from
girl except by name. Over the elaborate frock as protection was worn
a "pinafore,"
an apron
pinned to the front, often of sheer linen, embroidered and
Very young boys throughout the 19th and into the 20th Century wore
dresses much like those
worn by their sisters. These dresses in the mid-1800s could be quite
elaborate. Some criticized the elaborate styles in vogue for both boys and girls.
One fashion spokes woman, Sara Hale, waged a very ladylike
war on the overabundance of decorations
for infant and toddler clothing. According to Mrs.
Hale, "A large pattern of embroidery, is
not suited for an infant's slip, neither are
wide ruffles, nor a coarse pattern of lace...
Rich embroidery and Valenciennes lace
cannot make the little creatures a lot more
comfortable or heighten beauties which are
visible only to the eye of nurse and
mamma..." To aid her in the campaign, she sometimes
enlisted other acknowledged experts such
as Mrs. Tuthill (author of the Nursery
Book for Young Mothers) who scolds,
"It is bad enough, in all conscience to pervert the mind and character of girls, and render them dressed up bundles of vanity, but boys --boys who are to become men--it is shocking! Of all weaknesses in a man, what is more despicable than an inordinate love of dress, added to an exorbitant desire for admiration of self...?" Should mothers not heed the warning, Mrs. Tuthill predicts dire consequences: "If you make him a peacock now, there is much reason to apprehend that he will never become an eagle.
As boys grew older some differentiation might be made such as less lace and frilly aplique. Boys outfitted in frocks during the early part of 19th Century often wore knee-length or below the knee pantaletts, often trimed in frilly lace. Other frocks might have embroidered, somewhat less femine pantaloons. Other outfits for somewhat older boys were frock-like tunics. Scholars looking at drawings and paintings from the era frequently have trouble differentiating girls from boys. One scholar suggests when ytying to interpret a drawing in a woman's magazine from the 1850s, ... the child, though barefoot, is dressed in mid-century clothing. It appears to be a girl, based on the length and fulness of the skirt, the low neckline of the dress, the length and dressing of the hair, and the slimness of her ankle (boys generally being depicted with a stockier build).
Victorian parents at mid-Century had various options when their son
reached about 2 or 3 years. Some simply left them in dreses as was
common in the early period of the Century. Franklin Roosevelt's
mother, for example, in the 1880s kept the future President in
dresses and long curls until he was five. Other parents might turn to
kilts or
Fauntleroy suits. Franklin's mother kept him in kilts for several
years after the dresses were finally put away. One popular alternative
for doting mothers who were
unwilling to let their sons graduate to trousers was a varity of
frock-like garmets ranging from
girlish-looking dresses to to suits with boyish jackets, but skirts
or kilts instead of knee pants. Also a
tunic might be purchased
with a frock-like jacket worn over long trousers or knee-length bloomers.
These garments were purchased for boys of from 2 to 5 years of age
which would mean that boys
of 6 or even 7 might be found still wearing them.
Boys kept in dresses and smocks would rarely have their hair cut and often wore
curls or
bangs. While in petticoats, it was not unusual for boys to wear hanging
curls and perhaps bangs but the curls were cut when the boy was
breeched (allowed to wear pants), an occasion which usually brought tears to the eyes of many a
doting mother.
A varierty of hats would be worn on outings. The most commom were broad-brimmed sailor hats with a ribbon dangling down the back. Tam-on-shanters were also chosen, although this was more common with kilt outfits.
Some mothers also purchased smocks as play clothes or to protect their children's good clothes. Smocks might be used over dresses and frocks or more boyish clothes.
Most Victorian mothers were very atuned to the finer points of
fashion. Often brothers might be
dressed in very similar clothes, but with notable touches to
emphasize the younger boy's youth.
The younger brother wearing sailor suits, for example, might wear a
skirt rather than knee pants. If
both boys were still in frocks, their adoring mother could make a
number of modifications to
emphasize the childishness of her younger son. In the early Victorian
period, the younger boy might
wear below the knees pantaletts under his frock or shirt. As
pantalettes passed from the fashion
scean, other devices were available. The younger boy might be given
a lace collar rather than a stiff
Eton collar or a white skirt rather than a more boyish color.
Other youthful looking devices
employed by the attentive mother of the time included large bows,
long hair and curls, white
stockings, broad-brimmed hat with long-flowing streamer, and patent
leather shoes or slippers.
The custom of dressing little boys in dresses declined in the
second decade of the 20th
Century. Little boys by the 1920s were instead outfitted in
rompers and short pants. A
boys were outfitted in smocks during the 1920s,
but this was little seen by the 1930s.
extent smocks.
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