Many of you have asked a variety of subjects about this web site. As
I want to reserve my time actually working on the web site, I thought I'd
answer your questions here.
1. Why just boys clothes? What about the girls?: Help! Help! This
project has mushroomed as it is. I thought by focusing on boys I could
restrict the subject somewhat. There is way more material than I can
hendle as is. I think, however, that someone should address the subject og
girls' clothes. Some of the historical material I've collected would
help in that enerprise and I would be glad to assist. I hope someone
will eventually start just such a project.
2. What about work and casual clothes? Although not exclusively,
I have given special attention to dress clothes. This is simply because they are
more interesting. Clothes worn every day such as long trousers and
overalls would be a bit boring to discuss, don't you think. I do, however,
attempt to discuss casual clothes and would greatly appreciate any
descriptioins of casual clothes that web visitors may choose to
contribute. There are pages for "T" shirts and jeans. Please let me know whau think
amout them.
3. Can we contribute material anonamously? I do prefer to indicate
sources as a confirmation of authenticity. However, I recognize that
some of you are a little shy about your own personal experiences. Thus I
do accept anonamous submissions. Please noye that I would never use
someone's name without first obtaining their permission.
4. Why do you charge for the expanded site? I know web surfers
like free stuff. I do myself. Actually, anyone who contributes to the
site receives free access. hose who don't have time to contribute are
asked to contribute a small sum to offset the not-inconsiderable costs of
purchasing books, photography, scanning, software, ect. Seems fair to me.
5. I disagree with some of your comments on styles, fashiions, dates, ect. Great!
I'd love your input. America is a big country. Styles and preferences, especially in
the era before television were much more localized. In addition, fashions
in different countries varied. Let me know if you see anythibg you think
should be changed.
6. Why is clothing so important? I don't understand your interest? It seems
to me that history should deal with more imporant matters.: Yes, I think
history has generally dealt with the important leaders and the major events, like
wars and depressions. I have no quarel with that, such events need to be covered. That
doesn't mean, however, that other subjects should be ignored. I think that social
history has too often been given short shrift by historians. This web site
seeks to have a look at one aspect in the life of children over the past 500 years. I
think it is a subject that has been sorely neglected. If it bores you, fine. Tune into
History Channel and watch the Germans invade France for the one millionth time.
7. Why are there no photographs with some of the pages? I'm sorry that I
have been unable to illustrate all of the pages. My goal is to have
photographs and art work to illustrate all of the different styles and periods. Unfortunately,
images tend to be ver large files and I have simply run out of space at this site. Almost
all of the pages in the expanded site will have appropriate illustrations. I invite those
of you who have interesting family photographs or pertinent historical
pictures to provide copies to better illustrate the expanfed web site.
8. What's with all the spelling errors? I'm sorry for all the mispellings. I'm afraid
computers are a bit of a mystery to me. I'm doing this page directly in HTML and not a editor
like FrontPage which would make it easier to correct the mistakes.
I'm a poor speller and combined with my poor typing,
the mitakes abound. Now while I am a poor speller I can generally find and edit the mistakes. The
problem is that the web hosters are clunky. Combined with my slow computer, pages somestimes take a half hour to load for editing.
Sometimes they won't load at all. Correcting the spelling is one of the items
on my very long list of actions. However, to completely edit all the pages
here and on my new expanded page would take weeks. I would have to stop
adding new material for quite a while. I have thus decided for now to
only correct errors as I come across them. I view these pages as rough drafts
where I am collecting material and not the finished book. I will of course
eventually give the pages a good edit as there are also organizational and
stylistic problems. My focus for now is to collect and archive historival
information and photographs.
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